The November editions of SMT and Bulletin were booked with Royal Mail for collection from Warners in Bourne at 15:00 this afternoon.  I was travelling back from Wales at the time so can’t categorically confirm this occurred, but if a booked time was missed then it will have been exceptional, so I expect them to start arriving with UK addresses from tomorrow.  Mailing to overseas recipients is as usual by Air Mail and arrival dates will vary by country.  Thanks to editors Gareth and Suzanne for their work on these issues and to the members who contributed articles for publication.

The back of the address carrier sheet used to mail these editions contains a personalised message for each member.  Please review yours before discarding the carrier.  Please also note that this is not a renewal invitation – this will come with the February 2019 mailing as usual.

Finally, if yours doesn’t arrive tomorrow, take heart.  A member in South Africa phoned me this evening.  His August editions have, due to postal issues within the country, arrived only today!  We’re both hoping that the November issues arrive before Christmas…

Alan Regan, Chairman & Membership Secretary