The service and cremation will take place at the West Road Crematorium in Newcastle (NE5 2JL) on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 11:00am.
There will be refreshments afterwards at the Benwell Hill Cricket Club (NE15 7EU) from 11.45am to 1.45pm. The venue is directly opposite the Crematorium. All are very welcome to join us to remember Geoff’s life and our friendships with him.
The service will not be a sad one so please don’t worry about wearing dark clothing. He died peacefully and suddenly at home and remained active right up to the last minute of his life.
He expressed a wish that any donations in his memory should go the the 75 Appeal of the Talyllyn Railway Preservation Society and a collection box will be available at the Crematorium. Flowers will only be a spray on the coffin.
A formal notice of these arrangements will appear in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle in the next few days.
If there are any queries, please contact Chris Lumsdon on 0191 266 5796.
Alan Regan, on behalf of the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers