I’m pleased to advise that mailing of February’s publications, namely SMT, Bulletin, the Annual Report, the National Garden Railway Show Guide, Prize Draw raffle tickets and the 2015 DVD, starts today when Royal Mail collects 3,961 individual packages from our mailing house in Shrewsbury. UK addresses will start receiving the package from tomorrow onward; overseas deliveries will take somewhat longer and the delivery timeframe varies considerably by country. Congratulations to Gareth Jones on getting his first SMT out on time but thanks also to everyone else on the Board, who have one way or another contributed to this huge mailing. Thanks also to Kevin Steele, who has compiled the DVD, unfortunately for the last time as he has decided after many years service to step down from this role.

The reverse side of the address carrier sheet used to mail the package contains renewal information. If you’ve already renewed on-line (nearly 2,000 of you have), then it simply confirms that your membership is current to 28th February 2016 and that you don’t need to do anything else. If you need to renew then please follow the instructions on the reverse of the sheet. If you have already received an on-line renewal invitation then you can still use it but please don’t ask to be added at this stage as to do so is a manual process which I’d sooner avoid when I’m knee deep in envelopes and cheques. Tell me later in the year and I’ll alter your preference for 2016. Please also note that Diane Sutton and Edward Hodson are again helping with renewals so if your paperwork asks you to send your payment to them, please do as requested.

Page 55 of Bulletin provides details of advance entry ticket purchase. Thanks to Geoff and Christine Lumsdon for managing this. You can also buy advance entry tickets on-line if you wish – they’re the same price and over 50 people have already ordered over 100 tickets this way. It’s simple, secure and quick – why don’t you give it a try? Here’s the link: https://www.nationalgardenrailwayshow.org.uk/tickets/

Finally, I’m sure many of you will wonder when the Festiniog Guide will be published. I expect this to be in the next six weeks but when a firm date is available I’ll make another post to Shed Notices.

Alan Regan, membership@16mm.org.uk