I’ve noticed that some members have already renewed their subscription for the coming 2019/20 membership year.  Renewal payments don’t fall due until 1st March 2019, but I know that some members find it convenient to renew in advance.  With that in mind I arranged for the ability to renew subscriptions online to be made available for all members from today.

If you paid your subscription online during this year, you’ve already registered with our subscription system.  This link will take you to the home page.  The login link is top right on the page.  Use the email address and password you registered with earlier in the year, or the Forgotten Password link if you’ve forgotten it.  Having logged in, on the Join tab, which is the default after successful login, you’ll see an additional button View Renewal Offers on the right hand side at the top of the Join tab.  Click this, select the subscription rate you want to renew at, add it to the basket then check out.  The rest of the process is the same as earlier in the year.

If like me you pay your subscription by Direct Debit, the system will confirm that your subscription renews automatically so will prevent you making a further payment.

If you haven’t used the system in the past, the information needed to register was provided on the back of the address carrier sheet used to mail your November issues of SMT & Bulletin.  If you’ve lost this contact Warners on 01778 392016 (outside the UK: +44 1778 392016). Lines are open 8 am – 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 5pm on Saturdays and Bank Holidays (UK time), excluding Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

Please don’t renew your subscription by re-joining the Association as a new member.  This creates a second membership record which will need to be detected and merged manually with your existing membership record, creating additional work for the team at Warners and for me.

I stress again that subscription renewals don’t fall due until 1st March 2019.  The normal invitation to renew your subscription will be provided during January, but those who want to renew early can get cracking now if they wish.

Alan Regan, Chairman & Membership Secretary