“Please read the notices before you leave the shed.”
Association display shelving for 16mm Landmarks display
I’m pleased to advise that good progress has been made with the display shelving to be used at the forthcoming National Garden Railway Show at the Peterborough Arena on Saturday 8th April. The images show the first unit complete, with and without shelves. The units are collapsible and will be stored in the Association’s secure container between shows, to guarantee availability for future shows.
The uprights, back and front members slot together and the shelves clip in place for rapid assembly. The resultant units are light enough to be moved in built-up form, but very rigid due to the interlock of the various components. The material used is 18mm and 15mm birch ply, some of which was laser cut and some machined prior to delivery. An unobtrusive means to attach models to the display is being implemented, primarily for security reasons.
A total of eight units have now been constructed. All of the uprights and half of the shelves have been varnished. The remainder will be completed next week and moved to Peterborough prior to the show. Six units will provide the 16mm Landmarks Display (total 96 feet of display area) and two units will be provide to Member to Member sales (16 feet of display area) to make it easier for members to see what is on offer.
So, if you fancy seeing your 16mm Landmark model in this display, contact Alan Finch (alan.finch@16mm.org.uk) to discuss the matter. There’s still some space, but when it’s gone it’s gone!
Finally, thanks to Ted Robinson and Chris Holmes who created the design and sourced the materials. We’ve worked together in my garage to assemble the units and I can gradually discern the floor again. Thanks also to my wife Carol who has varnished all the shelves to date (hopefully this Shout Out will encourage her to do the rest :-)).
Alan Regan, Chairman and Membership Secretary