“Please read the notices before you leave the shed.”
November SMT and Bulletin
Gareth and Suzanne have confirmed overnight that SMT and Bulletin are both now with Warners for printing by the agreed deadline. I have confirmed quantities, so all is now set for printing and packaging during next week and collection by Royal Mail on Friday 18th November. Postage as usual will be First Class to UK addresses and Air Mail to overseas addresses. If having allowed reasonable time based on your location your copy fails to arrive, please contact Warners on 01778 392016 or 16mmNGM@warnersgroup.co.uk.
The planned distribution date for February SMT and Bulletin, plus the Show Guide for the 2017 40th anniversary National Garden Railway Show, annual report and membership DVD, is Friday 17th February 2017.
Thanks again to both editors and those who contributed to both magazines. I hope you enjoy the fruits of the labours when you receive yours.
Alan Regan, Chairman & Membership Secretary